Friday, July 11, 2008

Best Buds

Starting a blog seemed pretty fun to us while just sitting in the office talking about everyone elses blogs. Seeing as how we are best friends, then what better than to make one together?!?! We are not really sure on how to start this thing, so I guess we will just start on telling you guys about ourselves.
Wow...we are FREAKS!

Me and Rily have known eachother for about 3 years now. We met in a bar in Reno and decided to be best buds (no i'm just kidding...but that would have been really cool if we had). Anyways, we met at a practice for a DUMB flag thing for a church thing. Then, before we knew it we were hanging out 24/7. Who ever knew that that would have brought us together? What can i say..its fate. I guess for now on we will be telling you guys what we have been up to. Bye for now. May the force be with you!